Supporting mental health
The main goal of the program is to provide psychological assistance to children and adults to stabilize their psycho-emotional state and adaptation.
The department began operating in May 2022, at which time the need for crisis psychological assistance to people who were forced to move to our city and region as a result of active hostilities in other regions of the country began to be clearly felt.

Part of the organization's team, with the relevant knowledge, took up the first counseling of people living in our organization's temporary shelter. A little later, we realized that the demand for psycho-emotional support was growing, but our resources were exhausted, so we hired 9 more psychologists who worked for almost a year and provided individual and group counseling to adults and children.
In just one year of operation, 5000 people, both internally displaced and local residents, have sought help. During this time, we have broken several stereotypes among the population about who and what age groups need psycho-emotional support, as the oldest person who came to us on their own was 93 years old, and the youngest person we worked with was 4 years old.
We are currently continuing our activities, carrying out more educational work in the following areas: psychological health, personal development, emotional awareness, communication skills, work on self-awareness, self-improvement and development of interpersonal skills, providing information and training on the psychological aspects of emotional health and self-support, assistance in stress management, adaptation to changes and overcoming difficulties.
Our goal is to improve people's emotional and mental well-being, help them cope with psychological difficulties, and make them realize that they are not alone and should not be ashamed to ask for support.